Gift Card (Sami)

100.00 EUR
VAT added
Nominal value:

If you want to give a piece of health to a loved one, but do not know what to choose, give a gift card from the Sami Chinese Medicine Clinic!

Your loved one will be able to come to our clinic with her and choose the procedures that they like!

Our website presents gift cards in denominations of 100, 150 and 200 EUR. 

If you want to purchase a gift card with a different denomination, you can contact our manager and purchase a card with the denomination you need.


Elina, 23.04.2024
Vēlos iegādāties dāvanu karti, liekas sanāk 150eur vērtībā.
Vēlamā procedūra- ugunīgā ķermeņa masāža. Vajag izņemt klātienē, vai var noformēt dāvanu karti arī Online?
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Opening hours

mon: 9.00 - 17.00

tue - fri: 9.00 - 18.00

sat: 9.00 - 17.00

sun: weekend

We accept for payment

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